Loucosporneve Portugal

domingo, 2 de janeiro de 2011

World Rookie Fest Livigno 2011 ...

"From 15 to 19 january 2011, more than 100 riders from all over the world will land in the Swatch Mottolino Snowpark, Livigno, to take part to the this unique rookie contest. Riders will be split into two categories: Rookie, those who were born between 1 January 1993 and 31 December 1995, and Grom, who were born after January 1, 1996. Both male and female.
The prize list for the Protest World Rookie Fest in Livigno 2011 includes:
- Ticket to the Oakley Arctic Challenge in Olso and to the Ride Shakedown in
- Ticket for the RipCurl Sista Session for the best girl
- Trip to Chile for the best male
- Invitation to the Onboard Rookie Shooting 2011 for the best male
- Invitation to the Cooler Rookie Shooting 2011 for the best girl
- 3 Surf camp in France powered by www.surftolive.com
- Gifts from the sponsors as Tech Riders, Protest and Ride Snowboards goodies."

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